According to Ayurveda, it is recommended to consume the 6 tastes throughout the day.
The 6 tastes are:
🍞 Sweet
🍋 Sour
🧂 Salty
🌶 Spicy
🍵 Bitter
🍌 Astringent
The meal in picture shows spicy scrambled tofu, salad with lemon and chapatis (Indian flatbread). This meal contains four of the tastes:
Sweet - chapati
Sour - lemon
Salty - olives
Spicy - spices with the tofu
To add bitter - green tea
Astringent - green beans
It would be difficult to combine all 6 tastes in every meal, so mixing 2 - 4 tastes per meal will help to maintain a balance in your Ayurvedic diet.